Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Finding that needle...

October 7th, Crisp Chilly Fabulous Fall Evening
The balancing act...
In day-to-day life, all of us find the need to seek out that center, that point of balance which will keep us from going over the edge. That edge, which seems to inch closer and closer as the day grows long, is that ever tilting see-saw that definitely keeps us on our toes, and all we need to do, is to balance. The same goes with wine. It is, after all, a living entity housed in the home of a glass formed bottle. That center, that balance is what we seek, what we crave when finding a wine of worth. A wine that represents quality. Balance.

A wine of worth is something pleasurable that we stake our reputations on, whether it is a $10 bottle or $100 bottle. It speaks to our very sense of quality and taste, and it is what lures one in or keeps one from never venturing back.

Finding that needle in a hay stack is our quest. Sometimes it serendipitously stumbles into our laps, and sometimes we just have to keep digging, but that elusive needle is out there, waiting to be discovered. And with wine, there is always something to discover.

Just come in and pick our brains. There is a wine sitting on the shelf right now, a wine that's perfect for you, and it's waiting for you to take it home to enjoy.
Austin & James