Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Birth...

Swirl Wine

Aug. 28, 2008 - Thursday, 6pm

Welcome all you heathens to our little blog dedicated to the hedonistic pleasures of vino and dining! Not to mention the shameless promoting of our wine and spirits shop Swirl!

We would gladly take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and the reason why we birthed this wee little blog. My husband and I have always been intrigued with the powerful connection between drinking, dining and the ability of these two activities to gather people together. We find it both thrilling and humbling to share our knowledge and passion with those of like minded hedonistic pleasure seekers. That being said, it was no surprise to our friends and family that we took that love of life and tasty libations and opened a boutique wine and spirits shop in our hometown of Baltimore (more about our shop to come).
We wanted to create a space where we would be able to reach a vast like-minded audience interested in sharing our love for wine, spirits, beer, food, entertaining, and well, anything else that brings happiness and joy to life. Look forward to guest appearances by our staff, friends, and industry peers sharing their experiences as well.
So, let the fun begin!
Austin and James


Anonymous said...

Hey chick, did you link this to the website? See you later

b.kerry said...

Hey Austin and James! Congratulations on the birth of your NEW blog. I'm still trying to get out there to see your new digs and buy some wine... we're out again! Always seems the case.
Hope business is good and you're both well.
I enjoyed reading the blog thus far, nicely written and really feels like you guys. Will check back for more for sure.
Had no idea you two were newbies in the husband/wife dept... what a way to start your life together.
Good luck and enjoy.
Kerry at B. Creative Group

Swirl Wine said...

Thank you for the kind words, we will be in touch soon regarding our website development. Where has the time gone!?! Hope everyone at b. creative are doing well. Take care!
Austin and James