Thursday, February 4, 2010

Something wicked this way comes...

Are you ready?
It is coming.
Can you smell it in the air? The cold kiss upon your cheek. Your breath visible in the air.
The storm approaches.

Two feet. Maybe more.
The havoc that Mother Nature stirs in her old cauldron of winter mix. And Baltimore trembles.
We're battening down the hatches, preparing for the worst. We have beer. We have liquor. And, oh yes, we have plenty of wine.
How about you?
Are you set? If not, you better get down here. It could be a long weekend and you don't want to go stir crazy without the essential elixirs. It could be another case of Jack Nicholson in The Shining if you're not careful.
Austin and I are stockpiling just to make sure. Can never have enough.
Definitely taking home with us a silky-smooth Pinot Noir, that we picked up earlier in the week, that is the f-bomb. The Cinnabar Santa Cruz '06 P.N., which is showing like crazy right now, and we only got so much of this allocated wine, so please don't hesitate to grab one while you can. Absolutely delicious.
See you soon and be safe out there.

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