Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pssst, over here...

Listen to me.
Slowly put down that bottle. I have something else just for you.
I want you to stow away your inhibitions, lay rest to your fears, and take a chance that we're going to lead you away from what you're used to, from what you normally get, and introduce you into a different realm of taste and texture that you didn't know existed but yet secretly craved and desired all along.
There is an element of absolute trust that is so apparent in this business and so essential. It really just boils down to trust that we'll take care of you, and we don't take it lightly. Same as when you go to a mechanic or have the plumber come over. What they're telling you, you're usually taking at face value (the head gasket is blown? Sure, whatever you say) as long as the problem is fixed, you'll be happy.
And that's all Austin and I want to do, to make you happy. Of course, there's always room for trial and error, but on the most part, we feel that there is a lot of quality wine out there made by small producers waiting to be discovered, and then quickly ushered into contact with you, our friends.
Come in and give us a test drive, we won't let you down.

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